Privacy Policy
At Soulible, we are focused on defending and saving the security of our guests. This Privacy Policy discloses what befalls any close to home information that you give to us, or that we gather from you while you visit our site. We do refresh this Policy now and again so kindly survey this Policy consistently. Data We Collect In running and keeping up our site we may gather and handle the accompanying information about you:
- Data about your utilization of our site including subtleties of your visits, for example, pages saw and the assets that you access. Such data incorporates traffic information, area information and other correspondence information.
- Data gave willfully by you. For instance, when you register for data or buy a help.
- Data that you furnish when you speak with us using any and all means.
Utilization of Your Information We utilize the data that we gather from you to offer our types of assistance to you. Notwithstanding this we may utilize the data for at least one of the accompanying purposes:
- To give data to you that you demand from us identifying with our administrations.
- To give data to you identifying with different administrations that might hold any importance with you. Such extra data may be given where you have agreed to get such data.
- To illuminate you regarding any progressions to our site and administrations.
- To improve our site and client care to empower us to customize your experience while visiting our site.
- To handle exchanges.
- In the event that you have recently bought any service(s) from us we may give to you subtleties of comparable service(s), or different administrations, that you might be keen on.
- To manage a challenge, advancement, overview or other site highlights.
Your data, regardless of whether public or private, won’t be sold, traded, moved, or given to some other individual under any condition, without your assent, other than for the express motivation behind conveying the bought service(s). Putting away Your Personal Data Unfortunately, the sending of data by means of the web isn’t absolutely secure and once in a while, such data can be captured. We can’t ensure the security of information that you decide to send us electronically, Sending such data is totally at your own danger. When we get your information, we make a point to carry out suitable shields to store it securely. Utilization of Cookies give data with respect to the PC utilized by a guest. We may utilize treats where suitable to assemble data about your PC balance request to help us in improving our site. We may assemble data about your overall web use by utilizing the treat. Where utilized, these treats are downloaded to your PC and put away on the PC’s hard drive. Such data won’t distinguish you by and by. It is factual information. This factual information doesn’t recognize any close to home subtleties at all You can change the settings on your PC to decay any treats on the off chance that you wish. This should effectively be possible by initiating the oddball treats setting on your PC. Our publicists may likewise utilize treats, over which we have no control. Such treats (whenever utilized) would be downloaded once you click on commercials on our site. Revealing Your Information We won’t uncover your own data to some other gathering other than as per this Privacy Policy and in the conditions point by point underneath:
- If we offer any or the entirety of our business to the purchaser.
- Where we are lawfully legally necessary to uncover your own data.
- To additional extortion insurance and lessen the danger of misrepresentation.
Outsider Links every so often, we remember connections to outsiders for this site. Where we give a connection it doesn’t imply that we support or affirm that site’s strategy towards guest security. You should audit their protection strategy prior to sending them any close to home information. Online Privacy Policy Only This online security strategy applies just to data gathered through our site and not to data gathered disconnected. Your Consent By utilizing our site, you agree to our protection strategy Contacting Us Please don’t stop for a second to get in touch with us in regards to any matter identifying with this Privacy Policy at: SOULIBLE DIGITAL UNIT 3, 2ND FLR, SUNLITE SHOPPING COMPLEX, S.V. ROAD, DAHISAR EAST, OPP. DAHISAR POLICE STATION, Mumbai - 400068, Maharashtra, India.